We use sophisticated mailmerge software that allows us to personalise printing on to letters, envelopes, labels and carrier sheets. We can include multiple variable data fields to add individual offer codes, membership information and customer reference numbers.
In order to get the most out of your client database it is important to keep it up to date and cleansed regularly. There is no point wasting money sending out mail to people where the address is inaccurate or the person or company has moved on. By cleansing your database with the following services we can save you time and money by not sending out unnecessary post:-
PAF Correction – Screening your address file against the Postcode Address File you can ensure that your customer addresses are completely accurate.
De-dupe – by running your data through our de-duping software you can eliminate any duplicate addresses.
MPS – Scan your data against the Mailing Preference Service register to remove any addresses that have opted to not receive unsolicited direct mail.
GAS (Gone Away Register)
NCOA (Forwarding addresses)
TBR (Bereavement Register)
Returns Management – By including an ‘If undelivered’ address on the outer envelope or label you will then have any undeliverable mail items returned free of charge. This is an ideal way of updating your records to avoid mailing that contact again in the future.